Warrior Code

When a new SpireClan or BreamClan leader comes to power, WraithClan are to bring a small tribute of prey and herbs to them. When a new WraithClan leader comes to power, they are to pay the same tribute to their fellow two leaders as a promise to uphold tradition. These tributes are to be given within three crestsAbsolutely no battles or fights are to occur on Sacred GroundDefend your clan, even with your lifeYou may have friends outside of the clans, but you mustn't take a mate from outside of the clans.Do not hunt or trespass on another clan’s territoryPrey is killed only to be eaten
A kit must be of at least six crests to become an apprentice
The deputy will become leader once the clan leader retires or dies, and a new deputy must be chosen before midnight
When a leader dies, their deputy must travel to Solis Taberna to meet with the ancestors. When they return, they are to be addressed with the suffix -light (SpireClan), -current (BreamClan), or -tide (WraithClan), depending on their clan.
A Gathering is held every full crest, and during this meeting, there is to be a truce.
Boundaries must be checked and marked with salt daily.
An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless it is necessary for self-defense.
No warrior can neglect a cat in pain or danger outside of battle, even if they are from a different Clan.

Battle Code

Warriors of the sea still brawl like their canonical land counterparts, but a bit differently. Clan leaders schedule brawls between each other to settle conflict when it arises. They each choose an equal number of warriors as representatives that meet and have a clean fight, with no ambushes or the like.
Warriors may spectate, but only chosen representatives may fight. If any cat not permitted to interferes in a battle, that side must forfeit one of its warriors.If any warrior is murdered in battle, the fight must be stopped immediately, and their killer must be put on trial.Battles are to be monitored by leaders, and put to a stop by medicine cats if needed.An apprentice may be sent into battle with their mentor only if there is an equal amount of apprentices on each side.Though cats are welcome to spectate, kits may not witness battles. Loners and rogues are also not permitted to view battles, as these are clan affairs.Poisons and stings have no place in battle, they are weapons of war.

Healer Code

The borders that separate clans are not to be heeded by healers, as they are outside and above clan rivalries.A healer may call for surrender on behalf of their clan.You may take a mate and have kits only after you have a successor.Every half crest, the healers are to meet in the Ocean's Cradle to exchange herbs and news.A healer cannot reject any injured cat, and they may bring loners into the camp to treat them if they please.Healers must be trained to defend themselves and their patient, though they are never to fight on behalf of their clan.Though mercy and compassion must be and are at the center of healer practices, a healer must take care of themselves and prioritize their safety, even if it means the loss of a patient.

Herbs & Their Uses

Sea Squirts - Small, translucent filter feeders that are typically light blue or pink in color.

Fish Marrow - Yellowing substance picked from large fish bones after consumption. Used to fight early stages of coughs to prevent them from becoming fatal.

Sea Grapes - Bright, almost wart-like orange orbs that grow on the sides of anemones. Used to soothe coughs and fever.

Crest Bloom - Young sprouts of seaweed. Used to fight infections.

Kelp - a thick, leafy green sea plant. Used for binding wounds. Can be eaten by kits who are having trouble growing for their nutrients.

Stone Algae - Slimy green algae a sickly shade of olive that grows only on smooth ocean stones.
Though unappealing, it can be used to help throat aches subside through consumption, and when applied over the inflicted area, heals aches.

Jelly Pulp - When carefully extracted from a dead jellyfish, it can be used to fight infections and soothe scar pains and healing wounds.

Bream Oils - The oily coating on BreamClan cat fur and tails. Can be used to treat various poisons.

Boneset Bassinet

The Boneset Bassinet is an ancient whale skeleton where Gatherings are held. Leaders make announcements from it's reverberant skull to clan cats perched among its many ribs. These bones lie in the middle of the stretch of neutral territory that separates BreamClan and WraithClan.

Solis Taberna

Solis Taberna is purgatory on earth - the Ocean's walkway straight to hell. It's the last layer between where the first damned mercats were pulled straight down to their deaths long below underneath even WraithClan territory. This desolate, lifeless and empty area is the closest tie between this one and the next.

When leaders come here to recieve their lives, their healers must stand guard for sometimes days; either they pull up their new leader, or they retrieve their corpse for burial. It's said that a deputy who does not survive in Solis Taberna was never meant to be leader, and were simply not accepted by the Ocean. It's Her place of judgement. To have your body cast here is a crook's death. No cat has ever swam through Solis Taberna and back.